Once I was hitchhiking through the US. Somewhere in Montana (or North Dakota) a girl stopped by.
She asked: "Are you a creep?" I answered: "sure I am". She said: "get in!". At that point, I did not have a sliver of doubt that Americans understand my unusual sense of humor. While on the road, a blizzard started, so she invited to spend a night with her and her relatives. Her dad, upon encountering me, asked: "are you a spy?". I said: "sure I am". After spending two days at Bozeman – I liked the nature around – I went further on the road.

Funny enough, before that I met another driver on the road, with whom I had the following dialog
- Do you have a gun?
- No.
- Do you have drugs?
- No
- Lying?

I concluded that the guy is inadequate and continued waiting on the road. That encounter should have planted a doubt in my idea about culture being approximately the same in nations that are considered civilized.

My current experience is somewhat aligned with what this document describes, but maybe not as intense. For example, I also hear so-called humming noise – I might have heared before, but since my return to Austin, TX, in Summer 2023, it became frequent and interferes with my day and night (aka sleep) activities. There were several nights I was mostly awake because of it. It seems to be objective – independent on the observer, but rather on time and place – my officemate heard it when he was in my chair. I did not, however, gathered much statistics.

It is also aligned with the experience of Vladimir Voevodsky not long before his death – last part of the interview here. Except that I don't have any halucinacinations (my officemate, for example, can be found in the univeristy directory), but the part with coincedences and involunarily movements of parts of the body is there. I do have false sensations, however, – for example, while writing this, I am feeling the bottom of my back being very warm, even though there is no obvious observable reason for that.